

Instagram offers a great medium to marketing executives to promote their products, services and brands. Marketers need to use all the trendy techniques of Instagram tactfully and effectively.

Instagram Marketing refers to that type of Social Media Marketing in which marketers use Instagram to promote their Business.

Instagram marketing helps businesses strengthen their brands, increase engagement, increase sales, expand their customer base, and increase their online market share. Instagram is extremely beneficial for marketers.

Using Instagram for business is not a new thing, but using instagram tactfully and precisely is a new and trendy concept. Every feature of Instagram has its own value.

Recently I came to notice about the Instagram mention feature. This feature grabs my attention because of its benefits. For ranking your handle on top you need more number of followers as well as mentions on instagram. Let’s know more about this feature.



Instagram has a feature called instagram mention. This feature is very important and handy to engage in the Instagram world. In this feature when you use the @ symbol to tag some person or account then it is called mentioning someone.You can use this feature in post comments, Captions and in stories also. This helps you in getting yourself engaged in insta interactions.

8 benefits of using mentions in Instagram marketing

  1. Run a Online Instagram contest

Running an online instagram contest is very trendy nowadays. Many instagram marketers use this trend to attract more followers to their brand. For this contest they need to mention the company’s instagram handle in their stories and comments. The more times the company gets mentions, it will help them in getting in Top Rank on Instagram.

  1. Promoting Brand through your Story Tag

By mentioning your brand name in a story you can highlight your brand publicly, which will increase your story views.

  1.  Launch special events or occasions effectively

If your company is organizing a  special event or occasion, you can promote it by making special tags like #abc launch or #welcome party #launchevent2022. By following these tags people can watch your event details. 

Example, Lakme launched their new product at their Fashion event.

  1. Help in observing IG Metrics

The Instagram mention feature is very helpful in evaluating your brand performance on instagram. Here instagram analytics perform in frame.

Through your instagram mention data you can get to know how frequently your account gets checked by the users. How frequently your followers are increasing? What is the pattern of your user engagement graph and many more things you can get to know through this.

  1.  Collaboration with Instagram Influencers

If you want to grow your followers on Instagram, you can collaborate with influencers who will promote your brand on their account by mentioning it. This will assist you in gaining additional followers. You can also opt for a paid partnership if you wish. Instagram is also well-known for its sponsored posts. This benefits both the accounts, influencers, and the brand’s performance.

  1. Organic Traffic

Instagram is helpful in creating organic Traffic because of the global accessibility of Instagram. Organic Traffic will help in increasing revenue and ROI. In Fact, you can earn loyal customers. 

  1. Increase Brand awareness

Instagram mentions help in increasing brand awareness among existing as well as potential customers. Brand awareness is important for better positioning of a brand.

  1. Increase Traffic to other social media platforms

Instagram mentions help in increasing traffic at other social media platforms like facebook, linkedin, whatsapp, snapchat and many more. This will help in improving performance for the brand.

The Instagram mention feature is a godsend for any social media manager who understands the value of modern marketing techniques. Marketers can use this tweak in a variety of ways to boost the popularity of the brands they promote.


You can buy instagram mentions if you want to increase your followers and traffic on Instagram. Some of the best are not so easy to find, so if you want to know more details and make sure to pick a reliable provider I suggest you to check out a comparison review of the best instagram mentions. (credits to

Instagram marketing is a huge concept. Instagram Marketers use this concept for Brand Strengthening, Increasing market share, Increasing revenue, Global reach, user engagement, user friendly approach, economical, great accessibility.

Joan Johnson

The author Joan Johnson