



Corporate Memphis appears to be all over the place these days, but where did it come from? And how did the website design and development company make it become so well-known? Let’s explore.

It’s difficult to think of a trend that has become as pervasive and divisive as the illustration style known as “Corporate Memphis.” The rubber-limbed, brightly colored human figures that appear in subway advertisements, Instagram sponsored posts, and major web design and development company websites are instantly recognizable and have sparked much debate.

Their immediate and overwhelming dominance of corporate design spawned names like “Globohomo” (short for “globalized homogenization”), “Big Tech Art Style,” “Late Silicon Valley,” “Humans of Flat,” “Neoliberal Vector Minimalism,” “Bougie Design Aesthetics,” and “Humanist Blandcore.” Despite the criticism, the long-limbed blue people do not appear to be disappearing anytime soon. Today, corporate Memphis has a bad reputation for producing mindless art. However, the first designers to pioneer the style did so with care and intention, and its characteristics are rooted in a rich history of art and design. However, people’s dislike for Corporate Memphis stems from issues that are deeper and more complex than a simple, whimsical illustration design by the web design and development company might imply.

Corporate Memphis’ meteoric rise and equally impressive fall teach us a lot about design—trends, public perceptions, corporate culture, and the future of design itself. Art, design, and illustration trends reflect many of our society’s changes. This journey through the history of art and design demonstrates how these movements interacted with one another and reacted to the times in which they were created. Corporate Memphis arose in the late 2010s as a result of a general nostalgia for the 1980s. It even takes its name from the Memphis design movement, which was influential (and equally criticized).

The name “Corporate Memphis” refers to the style’s resemblance to the Memphis Group’s iconic designs from the 1980s. With the bright blocks of color, childish patterns, and oversized geometric shapes, the style influence is clear. In the San Francisco Chronicle, Bertrand Pellegrin described the Memphis design as “a shotgun wedding between Bauhaus and Fisher-Price.” The style rejected the concept of “good taste,” creating furniture that was purposefully flashy and impractical. Its influence can be seen in the design of Pee-Playhouse Wee’s and the 1989 television show Saved by the Bell. David Bowie was a fan as well. Memphis, like the illustration style that bore its name, was chastised at the time for glorifying conspicuous consumption and being a symbol of tasteless consumerism.

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Should You Increase Your Compliance Training Budget?

How Compliance Training Saves Businesses Money - eLearning Industry

So, you’re here because you’re considering increasing the compliance training budget for your company. Quick answer: Yes, you should increase the budget for compliance training courses!

But the next question is: Why? Understandably, many CFOs want to keep budgets as low as possible, even cutting them to keep the business afloat amid what’s happening to the world today. However, you’ll be surprised with how beneficial it is to focus on compliance, especially with programs like True Office Learning making things easier.

Still unconvinced? Here are the reasons why you must increase the compliance training budget:

  1. Have a better competitive edge

If your company operates in a crowded market and you’re looking for ways to achieve that competitive edge, then consider increasing your compliance budget. Focus on running an effective risk management and compliance training program with that increased budget to gain the edge.

With improved compliance, you get to build a safer and more resilient company. You’ll get to avoid all the disruptive incidents competitors experience. Furthermore, you can use the compliance program as a selling point.

Even the research says so! Research shows that companies incorporating risk management and compliance into their business strategy experience enhanced profit margins, growth, and customer experience. You can even see many risk leaders saying that they plan to invest more to improve their resiliency programs.    

  1. Less budget may drive up compliance costs in the long run

If your company relies on ad-hoc tools and manual processes to accomplish compliance work, and you’ll need to adhere to regulatory requirements soon, it’s essential to invest in the proper tools. If not, the total costs the company will deal with in the future to maintain compliance can end up being even bigger than expected.

But why?

For example, using spreadsheets to run compliance training programs won’t scale successfully. If your company has to go through numerous cybersecurity-related audits yearly and your compliance team tracks everything in Excel, there’s a higher risk of committing errors and missing essential issues.

Such inefficiencies can end up having insidious effects, such as hefty penalties or poor company reputation from violating compliance requirements. Moreover, the more time your compliance team spends on repetitive administrative tasks to meet compliance obligations, the less time they have for more important tasks.

  1. Regulators need to see compliance programs are resourced for one’s risk profile

If regulators discover a compliance violation, the first thing they’ll look for is whether that company has a current, effective, and well-documents compliance program.

If a corporation is convicted of a crime, two factors mitigating the ultimate punishment are:

  1. The existence of effective compliance and ethics programs
  2. Cooperation, self-reporting, and acceptance of responsibility

That said, regulators want to ensure that companies have enough people with adequate skill sets to run the compliance programs. Furthermore, the company must have sufficient tools to operate and maintain such programs, along with the resources devoted to making improvements.

Wrapping It Up

Now that you know the importance of compliance, this is your sign to look into your budget and strategies in that department.

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Effective Marketing Strategies for Laundromats

Like many other businesses, laundromats face their own challenges, such as finding adequate equipment or laundry parts from places like Laundry Replacement Parts to maintain operations. However, one of the things that all businesses deal with is standing out among the competition. With so many laundromats in one area alone, gaining the competitive edge is no easy task.

But with the proper marketing strategies, a laundromat can rise and gather more potential customers. Take a look at these effective marketing strategies to consider implementing for your laundromat.

  1. Email Marketing

According to Hubspot, more than half of marketers say email marketing is the best way to generate profit. It’s no surprise that this fact holds for laundry businesses. Even with all of the latest innovations in digital marketing, email continues to be an effective way to communicate with clients and potential customers.

Consider creating a monthly newsletter maintaining contact with regulars and potential customers. That way, you can generate more interest and stand out against competitors. You get to receive more visibility, especially with highly engaging content.

  1. Optimize the Laundromat’s Online Presence

Think of it this way: If you were looking for alliance laundry parts, where would you go first? You’d Google it! Potential customers would do the same, searching for the nearest laundromat online and gaining information from the business on their website or social media.

If you don’t have a social media account and website for potential customers to visit, then you may not attract as many people into your laundromat! With more and more people using search engines and social media to search for businesses, optimizing your online presence to reach a larger audience in the community is essential.

Increase your laundromat’s visibility with a well-designed and informative website that adapts to different devices. Ensure that you include all the necessary information, such as what business you are, the services you offer, your location, and contact information.

Besides having a website, consider having social media accounts that show similar information and posting daily. Encourage people to leave reviews on your social media accounts and interact with your customers easily.

  1. Use Print Advertising

The digital marketing strategies mentioned above are essential, but we can never forget traditional marketing strategies. Such strategies are especially crucial when reaching the local community, necessary for laundromats.

You can amp up your marketing through print advertising, such as sending out attractive flyers and postcards to your community. These flyers are a great way to introduce yourself and your laundromat. We recommend adding an incentive to convince people to go to your laundromats, such as coupons or exclusive promos.

Besides that, put up signages around your property and advertise the laundromat in local newspapers. Produce business cards to give when in events or to network with other businesses, too!

Wrapping It Up

Try one (or all) of these marketing strategies for more of your local community to find your laundromat and use its services!

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Energy Efficiency in the Laundry Industry – All You Need to Know

With the advancement in laundry technology and an increase in costs, one thing is apparent: energy efficiency is important for business owners. Furthermore, adopting energy-saving practices and technology is a major way you can save huge sums of money and also reduce your business’s environmental footprint. If sustainability and running an environmentally friendly business are important to you, you should encourage these values in your consumers. Finding ways to protect the environment while saving money and energy is easy provided you have energy-saving commercial laundry equipment. The coin operated washing machine and dryer has undergone many changes over the past years and today’s Girbau North America commercial laundry equipment minimize energy and water output. To make the process easy for you, below are ways you can greatly cut energy costs along with your carbon footprint on the environment

Invest in Energy Star qualified equipment

The best way to find out whether your existing laundry equipment is energy efficient is to confirm it has the EPA Energy Star label. This voluntary certification program is responsible for setting energy efficiency standards that must be met for products to get the blue star. As stated by EPA, industrial washing machines with the star are 37% more efficient compared to those that aren’t qualified. To earn the star, top and front loader washers must hold a capacity of over 1.6 cubic feet, among other specifications. Additionally, Energy Star does not give certification for commercial dryers. As such, getting energy-efficient laundry equipment will offer your business long-term benefits. Plus, this saves laundry business owners money while providing an eco-friendly facility that brings customers state-of-the-art laundry technology.

Offer front-loading washing machines

Purchasing front-loading washing machines will help lower your operating costs as well as lower water usage and offer high-speed extraction. When it comes to water usage in coin-operated front-loading washers stands at 10.9 gallons/cycle. Additionally, its high spin speed (as high as max 1,200 RPM with 440 g-force) extracts more water from apparel, speeding up the drying cycles and lowering wasteful energy use.

Install Ozone systems to your laundry equipment

Another huge cost and time saver is the Ozone System, which is vital today for most laundry stores. Developed to be used with your existing commercial laundry equipment, ozone diffusion systems make it possible for you to swap multi-step wash programs while increasing chemical efficiency. These systems also help reduce the use of hot water. Due to the eco-friendly laundry technology, these machines convert cold water into activated oxygen, which is nature’s most effective and safest disinfecting agent. The cold water programs help lower energy consumption, cycle times, water use, drying times, chemical use, and detergent use. Additionally, this extends customers’ fabric life while providing clean, fresh, and fluffy laundry items. While the use of ozone diffusion systems has many benefits, the visible benefit is increased ROI that you can achieve in under 8 months. 

These aren’t all the only energy-efficient strategies, there are numerous ways that you can use to create an energy-efficient business environment for the customers using coin operated laundry equipment. Despite the type of laundry business you’ve established, these are simple ways that can help you significantly lower energy costs and increase your ROI.

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What to Prioritize When Choosing a Phase 1 CRO

Phase 1 of the oncology trial design is one of the most critical parts of a Veristat clinical study. That’s why choosing the correct CRO is crucial to your overall trial success. Also, there are many CROs to choose from, so you’ll need to know how and why you need the right partner for the study’s first phase. Here are some of the essential factors you should consider when choosing a CRO for Phase 1:

The Size of the CRO

Your oncology clinical trial design will determine the size of the CRO you’ll work with. It is important to note that for phase 1, a prominent organization might not always be the answer. Smaller CROs will provide better services for phase 1 of the research. While large CROs may have a significant global footprint and excellent infrastructure to conduct extensive studies, some lack personal service, flexibility, and the senior management involvement that specialized CROs offer. Moreover, smaller CROs can bring together a high-level team with the right experience to fit your trials design’s specific requirements.


When choosing a CRO for Phase 1, you must pick an organization that specializes in your area of study. That way, you’ll ensure laser focus on the trial’s early stages, thus increasing your chances of success. It is important to note that the dedication and passion to Phase 1 will make a big difference towards completing the trials within a reasonable time frame.

eSource Solutions

Most of the Phase 1 sites still collect data on paper. This leads to more funds being spent on data cleaning, clinical trial monitoring, and in some cases, there is insufficient quality data because this method is prone to human error. A CRO incorporating electronic data capture reduces human error and supports faster results. If your CRO does not offer the electronic solution, you can ask them to include it in your study. It is also important to note that a CRO becomes fluent in eSource in about 1 to 2 years.

CRO’s Experience

Experience is another crucial factor when assessing a CRO for phase 1. Go for an organization with a solid track record for providing exceptional services from the protocol design to the final study. An organization with experience will help reduce the timelines with quicker decision-making since they already have an idea of what to expect. This in turn helps save you money in the long run. Saving money and shortening your timelines are the most crucial factors for a fast-paced phase 1 trial.

Customer Service

A good CRO will provide you with adaptable and flexible clinical trial approaches to help you deal with any challenges. This is because most clinical trials’ regulatory requirements evolve, and your data submissions deadline may grow shorter. So, you will need a partner who is committed to your deliverables to increase the chances of success.

Above all, go for a CRO who pays significant attention to your needs. Also, proven capabilities and experiences should be top on your list when selecting your CRO partner during phase 1 of your clinical trial.


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Tools To Help You Find the Right Products Online

When you’re looking for products online, it’s important to find the right ones. Here are seven tools that can help you find the right products online.

Section 1: Product Finder

There are a number of different tools you can use to help you find the right products online. One of the most popular is called amazon fba product research tool. This tool allows you to search for products by category, brand, or specific features. You can also use it to find products that are currently on sale or that have limited stock.

Section 2: Social Media Research Tools

Social media research tools can be a great way to find out more about a product or company before you buy it. They can also help you find out what other people are saying about the product or company. Some social media research tools include Google search, Twitter, and Facebook.

Section 3: Price Comparison Tools

Price comparison tools can help you find the best deals on products. Some tools allow you to compare prices from different retailers, while others allow you to compare prices for the same product from different sellers.

Section 4: Reviews and Testimonials Tools

When shopping for products online, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth your time and money. With the help of some tools, you can find reviews and testimonials from other customers to help you make an informed decision.

One tool you can use is the product rating website, which allows customers to rate and review products. This will give you an idea of what other people think of the product, as well as any potential problems or issues that may have arisen.

Another tool is customer reviews aggregator websites like Yelp or Google Reviews. These websites allow customers to write short reviews about products they’ve purchased, giving you a more in-depth look at what others thought of the product.


By using these seven tools, you’ll be able to find the right products online faster and easier.

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Retail Business and the Practical Options

Company owners offer their items directly to customers rather than via a middleman through retail establishments. By the Singapore Department of Statistics’ latest retail sales index, December 2021 saw an increase of 0.3% year-on-year in retail sales excluding automobiles. For Starting a Retail Business in Singapore you need the best setups.

Information and Requirements for Retail Stores

Creating a company: incorporation

You must first register your retail business with the Accounting and Corporate Registrar of Singapore (ACRA) before you can begin running it. Companies may be registered in less than 24 hours in Singapore, which is recognized for being the world’s most convenient destination for business. The procedure is quick and can be completed online in less than 24 hours. However, if your retail outlet offers unique products and services that aren’t currently available in Singapore’s burgeoning retail industry, it’s a good idea. For xero psg it is important.

How You Can Expect the Right Setup

The Singapore Entrepreneur Visa, commonly known as the EntrePass visa, is required if you want to go there to operate your firm and see it through its early stages.

The Premises have been given provisional approval. You need to confirm that the location of the business you want to work for is permitted for retail activities before proceeding. If your retail store is situated in a preserved building or on private property, you’ll need the approval of Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) before making any changes to the premises. To demonstrate that your retail enterprise complies with all relevant fire safety standards and procedures, you must get an extra Fire Safety Certificate from the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF). The landlord of a retail mall may be eager to expedite the approvals on your behalf if you establish your shop there.

Licensing Requirements for Opening a Shop in Singapore

You may be needed to get licenses and permissions in order to sell certain goods or products at your retail store. Permits may be required if you sell products that might harm the health and safety of your customers.

  • All kinds of retail licenses are available.
  • These retail enterprises are often seen in Singapore, and we will cover them in this session.

The process of getting a Singapore supermarket operating license

If you want to run a business that sells and produces raw and prepared foods, you’ll need to be in conformity with the Environmental Public Health Act while applying for a Supermarket License. See the Environmental Public Health Act for further details. By obtaining a license, potential business owners may rest certain that they will adhere to cleanliness and food safety rules and that they will not expose clients to food-borne diseases. If all of the following conditions are met, an online application for this license may be processed in five working days.

You must be a Singaporean or a permanent resident, or a firm registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, to apply (ACRA)

The layout, preparation area, toilets, and storage places must be shown in a clear and scaled design (in metric format). The Code of Practice for Environmental Health mandates that the design of your store be in compliance.

Make the Ensuring

Please ensure that your Medicate payments are paid in full before applying for a license for self-employed persons.

Tobacco Retail License applicants must show that they have a genuine business need to offer tobacco products to the Health Products Regulation Group’s Tobacco Regulation Branch. There is a one-year validity term for this license, which costs S$400. English and Chinese versions are available.

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12 Awesome Hacks to Keep a Sales Presentation Interesting and Powerful

Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

A sales presentation can be nerve-wracking, especially since the goal is often to get someone to buy into either a service or product that you have. But for that to happen, you have to ensure that sales presentation is effective and powerful.

What Makes a Sales Presentation Effective?

There are three elements that can affect how compelling and exciting a sales presentation can be.

  1. Informative. When making a sales presentation, ask yourself whether this can help your audience learn more about what you represent better.
  2. Persuasive. A sales presentation requires that you can encourage your audience to pick you instead of your competition. Thus, it has to be compelling.
  3. Memorable. You are less likely the only person who made a sales presentation to your executives or potential client. As such, your presentation has to be memorable for you to stand out.

How to Make an Effective Sales Presentation

Now that you know the three elements that can make a sales presentation effective, it is time to discover how you can apply them in action.

Organize your presentation venue

Taking the time to clean and organize your presentation venue ensures that your sales presentation starts on the right foot. You would not want to come unprepared and clamoring to run the projector or attach the white screen to the wall.

According to Maid Sailors, commercial cleaning service new york – “Cleaning the office to prepare for potential client visits is a necessity for many organizations. A clean office reflects the values and the brand that the business represents.”

In times like these, it is best to arrive at the venue an hour early at the very least. That way, you have ample time to clean up and prep the place to ensure that your audio-visual tools are up and running.

Some things you should check on would be:

  • Your presentation file and a back-up
  • Any video or audio you plan on playing during the presentation
  • Your electronic equipment (projector, laptop, microphone, speaker, pointer)
  • Sufficient number of seats in the venue
  • An extension cord
  • Noise levels
  • Any handouts
  • Overall cleanliness and tidiness of the venue

Once you’ve run through these things, you can then start practicing your presentation for a bit so that you can get used to the venue more.

Include a goal early in the presentation

We recommend assigning a general goal for your sales presentation to make it easier for you to plan out what to include in the presentation.

A common mistake during the sales presentation is that we often include irrelevant information to the matter at hand. However, sales presentations often have us meeting with people whose time is valuable. Therefore, you want to ensure that most of the morsel of information you present is vital to your audience.

Having a presentation goal can help you stay on track with the purpose of the presentation, so you don’t start including fluff in your presentation.

Provide a framework

Once we’ve set a goal for the presentation, the next step is to chart out a destination and action plan. You can do that by following a framework on how you plan on presenting the information.

Here’s a basic presentation framework that you can follow:

  • Objectives
  • Features and benefits
  • Examples or use cases
  • Closure

Keep in mind that sales presentations are all about coaxing your audience to buy your products. Hence, you should bank on what your products can be to your client to make your presentation relevant and persuasive.

According to HubSpot, the SCR framework is the presentation framework that is most effective when it comes to persuasion. The SCR framework is an acronym for Situation, Conflict, and Resolution.

The SCR framework is best for sales presentations because it puts your audience in the center of the presentation. Instead of sharing general information, address actual client problems that your products can solve. Thus, making it more compelling.

Start with a straightforward question

A great opening line can help catch your audience’s attention immediately and is a “hack” that we like to use often.

Asking a general question that has your audience looking inward is the best. That’s because it gives your audience something to do and gives you a chance to engage with them.

It will also serve as a great way to introduce your first central point in the sales presentation.

Make the sales presentation relevant

If you’re persuading different people for the same product or service, it doesn’t mean that you should create a template to use for each one. We encourage you to personalize your sales presentation to ensure that the information you present is as relevant to your audience.

A tailored presentation makes your audience feel more engaged with whatever you’re presenting in front.

Smile and make eye contact

You’d think this step is easy, but many people find this hard to do, especially when you don’t make sales presentations often or any presentation at all. However, looking your audience in the eye instead of constantly looking up at your presentation communicates a sense of confidence. This makes you more convincing to your audience.

If your body language isn’t confident in what you’re presenting, why should your audience buy your products or services?

Make it enjoyable

If you can, we recommend injecting some sense of joy into your presentation. No matter how big the stakes are, including some form of amusement in your presentation can help you retain your audience’s attention. It is also an excellent way to loosen up a bit and have a relaxing environment.

It doesn’t have to be a whole stand-up show, but a few funny remarks can help make your presentation more enjoyable.

Use sales presentation tools

Text is powerful, but you want to use an adequate amount of the sales presentation tools available to you for a presentation. Some sales presentation tools that you should include are:

  • Images
  • Diagrams
  • Charts
  • Videos

These can help break up the text on your presentation. It also enables you to convey your message without relying on a bunch of texts.

Fail “the airport test”

A sign of an amateur presentation is if it passes the “airport test,” as mentioned in Sales Hacker.

Think of it this way: If you leave a copy of your printed sales deck at the airport gate, will someone find it easy to interpret? If the answer is yes, then your presentation is not a presentation. It is a report.

A sales presentation should be experienced from the eyes of the presenter. Hence, you should be mindful of how much content you include in your presentation. That’s because you have to make your presence integral in interpreting and understanding those data.

Encourage questions and conversation

Throughout the presentation and, most importantly, at the end of it, ensure that you give your audience the chance to ask questions.

Encouraging conversations allows you to showcase how prepared you are. Hence, making you more convincing.

Plus, it allows your audience to stay on track as you move along the presentation, so they don’t feel lost.

Use feedback loops

Speaking of questions, feedback loops throughout your presentation help open up the conversation with your prospects. It gives them the opening in the presentation to confirm and deny whether they’re on track during the presentation.

You can use phrases like:

  • With me so far?
  • Are we on the same page?
  • Any questions so far?

These are examples of feedback loops that you can ask your audience to ensure that they are still with you.

If they’re not, this is your chance to get them back into the loop.

Make it nine minutes long

Neuroscientists say that a primitive timing system in people’s brains makes them tune out after ten minutes. Therefore, you might want to make your presentation nine minutes long to ensure that you have everyone’s attention.

Aside from that, it helps you limit yourself so that you don’t add in unnecessary information to fill the time. A crisp nine minutes should be enough for the sales presentation, and then you can switch it up to the Q&A.

That way, you can regain your audience’s attention.

Final Thoughts

A sales presentation can be nerve-wracking, but being prepared can help you feel more comfortable. It also allows you to look convincing, making it easy to get buy-in from executives or potential clients.

That said, make sure to follow the tips listed above to ensure that you have an effective and interesting sales presentation.

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How to Improve Your Sales Process and Increase Business

As a business owner, your company’s success is dependent on the approach used to attract sales. If it’s successful, there’s never a lack of them to fuel the company’s growth. Fortunately, there are ways to improve your process if it isn’t the best. Here are a few tips to help you improve yours.

Market Your Business Online

No matter what, how many customers you attract has a massive impact on sales. If there’s more of them coming to the store, you’ll move more products. So, it’s important to advertise your company online. That way, locals will see it if they’re searching for something on the internet and be more likely to visit.

We’d suggest working with someone experienced in search engine optimization. By hiring someone with that skill set, it’s not hard to optimize your page. They’ll make sure it shows up near the top of the results whenever someone is searching online. As a result, they’re far more likely to click on your link.

Encourage Customer Referrals

After you’ve sold something to a customer, are you asking them for referrals? If you’re not asking them, there are tons of potential sales you’re missing. Most of the time, owners hesitate because they’re afraid of scaring away customers.

But, most of them seem to enjoy recommending products to their friends. It’s even better if you have an incentive to offer them if they get a referral to buy. We’ve seen some programs where the rewards improved as you sent more customers. So, there was an incentive to continue referring more.

Track Your Profit Margins

The average restaurant profit margin is only 3-6%. At best, your business might turn a 15% profit on every dollar it’s spent. But, that’s so uncommon that it’s not worth considering if you’re running one.

Still, if you have a business, tracking its profit margin can be helpful. Look at how much you’ve spent to keep it open and compare it to what it’s brought in. Usually, we prefer looking at expenses over a 30-day period.

Take whatever it’s spent and divide it by whatever revenue it has brought in. The more revenue it has, the better its profit margins. For most companies, we’d suggest trying to maintain margins of at least 5% or greater.

Anything less than that tends to be difficult when it comes to long-term viability. So, if your business’s margins have dropped lower, you must lower its costs. If it has to spend less to stay open, its margins will improve as a result. That’s always an option if your business doesn’t see the margins it would like.

Improving Your Sales Process

Once a customer has entered your business, approach them casually. Most of them don’t want to feel as if you’re pressuring them into anything. But, it’s important to engage with them as soon as they’ve stepped into the store. Otherwise, they might leave before you’ve had a chance to show them what you’re selling. That’s an easy way to improve the average restaurant profit margin.

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Essential Steps To Start And Launch Your First Online Store

Making every transaction count is the most critical part of running a successful online business. Of course, you know too well that this endeavor is easier said than done. Starting your online store can be daunting. But if you know precisely the steps to take, the process would be less scary and less stressful for you. To help you out, use this guide and read more here as you plan and start your online business.

Be Sure Of Your Niche

This generally means what you’re going to sell and to whom. Many first-time business owners don’t give much thought to their niche. Your niche affects many aspects, such as your sales figures, the amount of effort required for customer support, and whether or not you’ll have repeat customers.

Own Storage vs. Drop shipping

Choosing whether to drop ship or stock your products is the next step in the process of launching an online business. Dropshipping has become extremely popular, but it also has its own set of challenges, just like any business model.

  • Dropshipping can seem like the top eCommerce store hack. With no inventory, there are no warehousing costs, no picking and packing operations, and no need for capital to purchase your items. You can even list more things on your eCommerce store with no risk.
  • Own Inventory. The advantages of owning your products are enormous. First, you ensure a seamless consumer experience. It also has higher profit margins. When buying products from a manufacturer, you usually adhere to a Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ). Buying in bulk gets you a discount. You can either keep your increased margin or pass the savings on to customers, increasing sales. In any scenario, it means more sales for your store.

Business Name and Domain Name

Your company’s name isn’t as significant as the niche you choose, but it’s still vital to get it right from the beginning. There are risks involved with setting up an internet store, so proceed with caution. Pick a name that’s both memorable and easy to say. Choose a name that is as unique as possible. It is also best to pick one with an available “.com” domain.

For those who are just getting started, or have been running a small business for some time, you need to have a full understanding of these crucial steps of setting up an online store. Remember that your goal is to have your online store and products up and running as soon as possible.

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